Sensational Cleaning: What to expect on your regular cleaning!Sensational Cleaning:

At Sensational Cleaning, we live by our motto: “We clean your home, not your pocket.” We are dedicated to providing high-quality cleaning services that leave your home sparkling, without breaking the bank.

Sensational Cleaning: What to expect on your regular cleaning!

Our Regular House Cleaning Service

Our regular house cleaning service is thorough and meticulous. Here’s a more detailed look at what we do:

  1. Dusting: We dust all surfaces, from furniture and appliances to decorations and light fixtures. We make sure to reach those often overlooked areas like ceiling fans and window sills.
  2. Vacuuming and Mopping: We vacuum all carpeted areas and rugs, and mop hardwood, tile, and linoleum floors. We pay special attention to high-traffic areas to ensure they’re free from dirt and dust.
  3. Bathroom Cleaning: We sanitize the entire bathroom. This includes scrubbing toilets inside and out, cleaning showers and tubs to remove any soap scum or buildup, and polishing sinks and faucets.
  4. Kitchen Cleaning: We clean and sanitize countertops and stovetops, clean the exterior of appliances, and scrub sinks until they shine. We also wipe down cabinet doors and handles.

What’s Not Included

While our regular cleaning service is comprehensive, there are a few tasks that are not included:

  • Dishes: We believe this is a personal task that’s best left to the homeowner.
  • Laundry: Due to the time it takes to wash and dry clothes, this task is not included in our regular service.
  • Window Cleaning: This task requires special equipment and is not included in our regular service.

However, we do offer additional services such as oven cleaning and inside fridge cleaning upon request for an extra fee.

Customized Cleaning Solutions

We understand that every home is unique, and so are the cleaning products you prefer. If you have specific products you’d like us to use, just let us know! We’re more than happy to accommodate your request.


At Sensational Cleaning, we’re not just about cleaning homes—we’re about providing a service that makes your life easier and more enjoyable. With us, you can rest easy knowing that your home is being cared for by professionals who truly care about your satisfaction. Remember, at Sensational Cleaning, “We clean your home, not your pocket.”

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